
Use Dropbox to Upload FlipBook of FlipBook Creator
usually people make flipbook for saling catalogue or advertising brochure, so they may need to upload the flipbook to website. But what if you have no own website, or you do not want to upload the flipbook to your own website? You can get a totally new URL of flipbook from FlipBook creator, if you have an account of Dropbox for uploading services.

At first, you should finish all settings for the flipbook, and output the flipbook in HTML format;
Secondly, you can copy all outputting files;
Thirdly, you should open the Dropbox and sign in it;

At last, you should paste all files to a folder under "Public";

Then you can right clicking to get the flipbook URL, and paste in a new browser window to view your flipbook from FlipBook Creator online.

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